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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Overview

The Straw Hat Pirates are the main protagonists of the One Piece franchise and are led by Monkey D. Luffy. The "Straw Hats" are named after Luffy's signature straw hat that was given to him by Red-Haired Shanks.

After Kaido, Big Mom as well the alliance between Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates' defeats, the Straw Hats are now dubbed as one of the Four Emperors' pirate crews. Their alliance with Trafalgar D. Water Law and the Heart Pirates eventually ended after achieving their goals for finally taking down Donquixote Doflamingo, as well both Kaido and Big Mom.

They are the arch-nemeses of both the World Government and the Blackbeard Pirates.



9 Senior Officers[]

Other Members[]


  • Karoo (formerly)
  • Zeus


  • Going Merry (original ship, destroyed)
  • Thousand Sunny (current ship)


Total bounty: 8,816,001,000




The Straw Hat Pirates are the people Monkey D. Luffy (The Captain of the Straw Hat Pirate crew), considers valuable to his crew and will help him become the next ultimate pirate in the world, known as "The Pirate King". Luffy's crew consists of a master swordsman named Roronoa "Pirate Hunter" Zoro, a thief named "Cat Burglar" Nami, a marksman named "King of Snipers", later "God" Usopp, a chef named "Black Leg" Sanji, an anthropomorphic reindeer doctor named Tony Tony "Cotton Candy Lover" Chopper, an archeologist named Nico "Demon Child" Robin, a shipwright named "Cyborg" Franky, a talking skeleton named "Dead Bones" prior, "Humming" and later "Soul King" Brook, and a fish-man helmsman "First Son of the Sea" Jinbe. Every crew mate or "nakama" has a one-of-a-kind talent and each one has extraordinary combat skills. Each one has a dream that keeps them going and one of the reasons they have joined the crew.

After Kaido and Big Mom's downfalls, Luffy became a new member of the Four Emperors and his crewmates became the subordinates of the Emperor himself known as the 9 Senior Officers who have command over the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Luffy can recruit anyone who wished to join his crew or become his subordinate crew under his flag at anytime in order to increase the strength of his crew or just to provide their safety.


  • Fishman Island
  • Wano Country


The Straw Hat Pirates are a small but powerful pirate crew that originated from East Blue but have various members from different areas. They are named after Luffy's signature hat that was given to him by Red-Haired Shanks and are first referred to as the Straw Hat Pirates by Smoker in Alabasta. The crew sailed on the Going Merry, their first official Straw Hat ship, up until the Water 7 Arc. After the Enies Lobby Arc, they obtain a new ship called the Thousand Sunny. The Straw Hats currently consist of ten members whose combined bounties equal 3,161,000,100 Berries.

Following the events on the Sabaody Archipelago, the first nine members were separated from one another. For two years, they trained in relatively isolated locations, becoming stronger for the sake of helping each other.

Following the events of the Dressrosa arc, the crew was also massively expanded; the main crew didn't change, but seven other pirate captains and their respective crews have pledged their allegiance to Luffy, forming the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

Following the events of the Whole Cake Island Arc, Luffy's successful raid against Big Mom, the complete destruction of her castle, and his defeat of her top Commanders was made public knowledge by the journalist "Big News" Morgans. Furthermore, the formation of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet and the addition of a former Warlord to his crew (Jinbe) was also revealed to the masses. For this, Luffy is now considered the Fifth Emperor of the Sea in some circles of the world and the Straw Hats have become unambiguously recognized as one of the strongest pirate crews in the world.

After defeating Kaido and the Beast Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates are now dubbed as the Yonko Crew when Luffy has officially became a Yonko by the Gorosei. Yamato (Kaido's daughter) wanted to join the Straw Hat Pirates, but not yet and needs to wait until she has been officially confirmed as a new member of the crew by the young captain himself, according to Jinbe. Due to Admiral Ryokugyu's invasion however, Yamato decided to stay at Wano to protect it from any invaders. Luffy left a replica of his crew's Jolly Roger to Wano when declared Wano is now his territory under his protection. Luffy's alliance with Law and the Heart Pirates officially ended after achieved their goals.

The Straw Hats went to Egghead where they meet Dr. Vegapunk. They are also with Jewelry Bonney (another member of the Worst Generation). They confronted CP0 who are intending to kill Vegapunk. Luffy and CP0 formed a temporarily alliance to defeat York and detained her. Luffy and the others soon confronted by a Marine fleet led by Kizaru and Jaygarcia Saturn. Luckily, the Giant Warrior Pirates reinforcement lend by Dorry and Brogy, arrived to Egghead to help the Straw Hats escape. Saturn summoned the other Elders in attempt to kill the Straw Hats and prevent Vegapunk's video message. A mysterious robot (that was created by the Void Century 900 years ago as well attacked the Celestial Dragons 700 years later after its creation) appears due to Luffy's "Drums of Liberation" awakening while lamenting an apologies for Joy Boy.


Despite having a small number of members, the Straw Hats are a very powerful crew. Their captain has continuously defeated people who are renowned for their incredible strength such as Crocodile, Gekko Moriah and Donquixote Doflamingo of the Shichibukai, the highly feared tyrant Enel from Skypiea, and the infamous Rob Lucci of the CP9. The crew itself has done things which most would think impossible and completely insane like defeating an entire organization (such as Baroque Works, CP9 and the Donquixote Pirates), punching a World Noble and breaking in and out of the judicial island, Enies Lobby. In fact, after the incident that occurred at Enies Lobby, the World Government has labeled them as a very dangerous crew since their actions endangered the balance of the Three Great Powers. After Kaido, his crew and Big Mom's defeats, the Straw Hat Pirates are widely known the Emperor's crew.

All of them have at least one talent at which they are virtually perfect at, and each member is, more or less, a formidable if not downright fearsome fighter in their own right. While all of them have amazing strength in one way or another, three of them, the captain, the swordsman, and the chef, have such astonishingly inhuman strength that the rest of the crew have dubbed them the "Monster Trio". Luffy is now a member of the Four Emperor replacing Kaido. After Luffy became an Emperor, his crewmates are widely known as the 9 senior officers who commands over the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

After Luffy's ascend as an Emperor, the Straw Hat Pirates can recruit anyone who wished to join them as their subordinate crew under their flag to either increasing the crew's strength or provide their own safety.


  • Luffy said at the beginning of the series that he wanted a crew of at least ten people. By the start of the Final Saga, the Straw Hats are nine people (excluding Luffy).
  • The crew has five Haki users; Luffy and Zoro having all three types and their advanced applications, Jinbe and Sanji is proficient in Busoshoku Haki and Kenbushoku Haki and Usopp has awakened his Kenbushoku Haki during the Dressrosa arc.
  • The crew has at least four Devil Fruit users; two of the Paramecia type and two of the Zoan type, although Chopper's is a normal-rank Zoan, Luffy's is a Mythical Zoan.
  • They are the youngest Yonko crew in history, as they managed to reach this position in about just 2 years from the beginning of their journey.
  • According to Oda (the creator), there will be no romance or relation between the Straw Hat Pirates when they are already considered as a family, even the One Piece Netflix live-action showrunner Matt Owens confirmed it.

External Links[]


           One Piece Logo Heroes

Four Emperors
Shanks | Edward Newgate† | Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp | Sanji | Tony Tony Chopper | Nico Robin | Franky | Brook | Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish | Bartolomeo | Sai | Ideo | Leo | Hajrudin | Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia | Boo | Baby 5 | Chinjao | Blue Gilly | Abdullah | Jeet | Bomba | Rampo | Bian | Kabu | Inhel | Cotton | Wicca | Baxcon | Daikon | Flapper | Bobomba | Maujii | Nubon | Pellini | Chao | Stansen | Road | Goldberg | Gerd | Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † | Marco | Portgas D. Ace † | Kozuki Oden † | Jozu | Vista | Blamenco | Rakuyo | Namur | Blenheim | Curiel | Kingdew | Haruta | Atmos | Speed Jiru | Fossa | Izo | Little Oars Jr. | Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks | Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo | Yasopp | Limejuice | Bonk Punch | Monster | Building Snake | Hongo | Gab
Others: Rockstar | Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law | Bepo | Jean Bart | Penguin | Shachi | Ikkaku | Uni | Clione | Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hancock | Boa Sandersonia | Boa Marigold | Gloriosa ‡ | Shakuyaku ‡ | Ran | Cosmos | Daisy | Rindo | Blue Fan | Marguerite | Sweet Pea | Aphelandra | Poppy | Kikyo | Belladonna | Nerine | Pansy | Enishida | Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † | Silvers Rayleigh | Scopper Gaban | Crocus | Shanks | Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry | Brogy | Kashii | Oimo |

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † | Kozuki Toki † | Kozuki Momonosuke | Kozuki Hiyori | Tama | Shinobu | Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon | Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Raizo | Kawamatsu | Ashura Doji † | Denjiro | Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi | Nekomamushi | Carrot | Wanda | Pedro † | Zepo | Shishilian | Concelot | Giovanni | Bepo | Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon | Sabo
Commanders: Emporio Ivankov | Karasu | Belo Betty | Morley | Lindbergh
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma | Koala | Inazuma | Jiron | Ahiru | Ushiano | Gambo
Others: Ginny | Hack | Terry Gilteo | Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino | Issho | Kuzan
Vice Admirals: Monkey D. Garp | Tsuru | Smoker | T Bone
SWORD: X Drake | Koby | Helmeppo | Prince Grus | Hibari | Kujaku
Others: Sengoku | Tashigi | Donquixote Rosinante † | Regis | Hina | Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ | Boa Hancock ‡ | Jinbe ‡ | Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk | Sentomaru | Stussy
Satellites: Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan | Bentham

Riku Dold III | Viola | Scarlett † | Rebecca | Kyros

Nefertari Vivi | Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune | Otohime † | Fukaboshi | Manboshi | Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † | Donquixote Rosinante † | Donquixote Mjosgard

Shakuyaku | Hatchan | Yamato | Vinsmoke Reiju | Jewelry Bonney | Portgas D. Rouge † | Hiriluk | Jaguar D. Saul | Clover | Paulie | Iceburg | Kappa | Apis | Kaya | Nojiko | Seira | Hiramera | Mero | Nika | Trafalgar Lami † | Mousse † | Takao | Russian † | Johnny | Kobato | Desire | Luca | Ann | Livia † | Amanda | Ever | Carina | Uta | Shimotsuki Ryuma

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes
