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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Bruce Wayne DCAU Cleanup That's one of the hardest things about this job, Robin.
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Bud Bundy is a character in Married with Children. I kind of think of him, as the black sheep of the Bundy Clan. He is nothing like them. Bud went to college and got grades and has a great job as a talent agent. He is always their to help people when they can. Mostly when people wrong him, he always gets the last laugh and he still wins. Just like Al and Kelly. They always wanted food or the high life. But Peggy's obsessive shopping and ignoring her kids is the main reason why she is a terrible mother. One reason why Al is a terrible father, who looks at Bud as a disappointment. Mostly on the show, he always strikes out with women and mostly in high school. But in college, he has better chance with women and he usually ends up hooking up with them. He is more successful with them now.
