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Anpanman (アンパンマン) is the main character of Anpanman.


His head is a bun made by Uncle Jam. His name comes from the fact that he is a man with a head made of bread (Japanese: pan, loanword from the Portuguese word meaning "bread") that is filled with red bean paste (Japanese: anko) called an anpan. The rhythm of the rhyming name might be loosely idiomatically translated in English as "Bean Bun Man" and “面包超人” in Chinese. He doesn't need to eat or drink to sustain himself and has never been seen eating, as it is believed the bean jam in his head allows him to sustain himself in this manner. His weaknesses are water and anything else that makes his head dirty (In order to prevent his head getting wet when underwater or in wet weather, he is usually seen with his head concealed inside a protective bubble in such situations). He regains his health and strength when Jam Ojisan bakes him a new head and it is placed on his shoulders. Anpanman's damaged head, with Xs in his eyes, flies off his shoulders once a new baked head is made for him by Uncle Jam. Anpanman came to life when shooting star landed in Uncle Jam's oven while he was baking. He has two special attacks: An-punch and An-kick (with stronger variations of both). When Anpanman comes across a starving creature or person, he lets the unfortunate creature or person eat part of his head. He also has super hearing in that he can respond to anyone that calls his name out in distress from anywhere in the world.
